Here’s a collection of some company logos I have designed or been involved with over the years.

I have been involved in the creation of many websites over the years, most are unfortunately no longer live, but I still maintain my own websites, and build a few other for other clients.
Supporting website and store for “A Social Ramble” podcast – Based in Maryland

Sailing Vessel Ruby One – Based in the British Virgin Islands

RLP Healing & Holistic Wellness…a holistic spiritual practitioner that enjoys helping people.

The Crowznest – A personally run retail website.

Indiloo.com is named after my children (Indiana and Leeloo), this site has been many things, but it still hasn’t found it’s full purpose yet – Based in Maryland USA

My Maryland Cannabis Online Clothes Store – Based in Maryland USA

Some flyers and promotional material from various projects – Flyers & Promotional Material.

Below you’ll find a link to my Adobe Stock Image portfolio. These are photos, logos, icons and images I have created for sale online through various stock image websites. If you’re interested, tap below and take a peek.

May I suggest moving to the Social Media section next, link below.